#152 - #154 Somerville, Watertown and Cambridge

We decided to make the most of a rainy morning, and went to Somerville for a morning walk. We explored the Davis Square neighborhood, which includes the Somerville Theater and the When Pigs Fly Breads Factory Store. With a population of 80,000 people packed into just 4 square miles, Somerville in New England's densest municipality.
#153 Watertown has a lot of interesting places including Perkins School for the Blind, which was the first school chartered for students who were blind in 1826. Helen Keller and her teacher Anne Sullivan both attended here. It's also notable for the Watertown Arsenal, which has now been re-developed from its glory making and story weapons for the Union during the Civil War.
#154 Cambridge - There are a million pictures you can take in Cambridge, but the Great Dome at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is outstanding. Located along the Charles River, MIT is a beautiful place to walk AND feel stupid at the same. Some serious brain power walks those halls.
Here is a picture of our dog enjoying the view from Cambridge towards Boston back over the Charles River.


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