#158 - #160 Tewksbury, Billrica and Westford

# 160 - Westford. We didn’t need to do any research to figure out where we wanted to walk in Westford. Just ordered some amazing ice cream and strolled around Kimball Farm!
#159 - We enjoyed a lovely walk through Billerica’s central common. The Bennett Library (shown here) is the former public library, now used for functions. Asa Pollard, the first American killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill, was from Billerica.
#158 - Tewksbury. This town gave us a chance to pull the Shrewsbury Vortex gear out of the closet and watch some softball. We have many memories of softball tourneys at Tewksbury’s Field of Dreams complex. It was fun to see the U-16 Vortex come back and beat Charlton before our walk.


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